
I am a bare tree

With a parched trunk and no branches.
No birds come to build their nests;
Nor any wind ruffles a stem,
Nor a drizzle plants a buss on it,
Nor the ray of the sun seeps into it.
Neither does nature love me,
Nor hates me.
Today, I am abandoned to despair.
Today, I am forlorn.

A passerby does not take a siesta,
Nor lovers come to kiss hiding behind me.
My roots are unable to grip the soil,
Nor the soil can hold me.
Today, I need someone to hate me,
So I can feel what love is.
Today, I need someone to love me,
So I can feel what hate is.
For God’s sake, I must confess,
That love and hate do exist, like an apparition. (

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